Wellness & Nutrition

Coronary Heart Disease: unpacking what is at the heart of this 21st century epidemic.

Coronary Heart Disease
A Looming Crisis in Modern Living

Coronary heart disease (CHD) stands as a pervasive and formidable health challenge, claiming millions of lives worldwide. According to the WHO, around 1 in 6 deaths globally are caused by coronary heart disease (British Heart Foundation, 2023). The magnitude of this issue lies in the sheer number of lives it claims and its insidious nature. CHD often stealthily develops over the years, with individuals typically starting to show signs in their mid-40s to 60s.


Understanding the Modern Lifestyle Impact

The alarming rise of CHD as a global health crisis can be attributed to several factors. These include; sedentary lifestyles, poor dietary habits, and an increase in stress levels. Modern-day conveniences, such as processed foods and sedentary desk-bound jobs, contribute to the prevalence of risk factors like high cholesterol, hypertension, and obesity. It’s hardly surprising that the levels of CHD have surged from the days of our grandparents. In this modern era, breakfasts featuring donuts, choosing sodas over water, and opting for ‘supersized’ everything have become socially acceptable. The genius marketing strategies of companies like Dunkin’ Donuts, soda giants, and fast-food chains have played a role in normalizing these choices, contributing to the unfolding of a seriously unhealthy pandemic. Additionally, the escalating prevalence of these risk factors in younger populations underscores the urgency of addressing lifestyle choices and promoting proactive heart health measures in this day and age.


Atherosclerosis; Understanding the Development and Solidification of Coronary Heart Disease

CHD progresses insidiously through atherosclerosis, the gradual buildup of fatty deposits in arteries. Initially, this build-up is a soft, malleable concoction of cholesterol, fats, and cellular debris. In its early stages, a diligent exercise regimen can promote blood flow that erodes away these deposits, preventing further solidification. However, with a sedentary lifestyle, these fats congeal over time, transforming into rigid plaques that compromise the arteries’ flexibility and impede blood flow. Once solidified, these plaques become formidable barriers, necessitating surgical interventions to clear the vessels of the accumulated debris. This solidification heightens the risk of clot formation, underscoring the critical importance of adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle early on. One of the treacherous aspects of CHD lies in its silent progression. Symptoms often remain elusive until a critical event, like a heart attack, occurs. Hence, the urgency of regular exercise and a nutritious diet cannot be overstated.


Optimizing Heart Health Through Lifestyle Changes

In the pursuit of a robust and resilient heart, small lifestyle changes can yield significant benefits. Adopting a plant-based diet and incorporating regular exercise into your lifestyle can significantly enhance heart health. Plant-based diets, rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, have been linked to lower cholesterol levels, reduced blood pressure, and improved weight management. According to a study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, individuals following a plant-based diet experienced a 24% lower risk of heart failure compared to those who did not (Salehin et.al., 2023).


The Impact of Exercise on Heart Health

Additionally, exercise plays a pivotal role in heart health. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. This not only helps control weight and lower blood pressure but also significantly reduces the risk of heart attack. Research indicates that individuals who engage in regular exercise can experience up to a 35% lower risk of coronary heart disease (2022, NHS). By combining the power of a plant-based diet with regular exercise, individuals can take proactive steps towards cultivating a robust and resilient cardiovascular system.


The power of understanding your family history to become aware of a “genetic predisposition”

In the realm of heart health, understanding your family history is a powerful tool for uncovering potential genetic predispositions to coronary heart disease. This ‘genetic predisposition’ is essentially the unique code embedded in our family DNA that might influence our risk factors for cardiovascular issues. Rather than a crystal ball predicting our fate, this knowledge serves as a practical guide, shedding light on patterns and potential risks. Armed with this understanding, individuals gain the ability to make informed decisions and pre-emptively address potential challenges. The stories of those who have utilized this genetic insight highlight the practical impact of such awareness. With this knowledge in hand, individuals can tailor a proactive strategy, empowering them to navigate potential challenges and make informed choices. Understanding our family history becomes a practical compass, guiding us towards a heart-conscious lifestyle—a narrative where knowledge shapes a heart-healthy future.



In confronting the 21st-century epidemic of heart disease, we unveil a crisis fuelled by sedentary lifestyles, poor diets, and insidious atherosclerosis. The urgency to act is paramount, as CHD stealthily claims lives. To fortify against this, adopting heart-forward habits is imperative. Embracing a plant-based diet and regular exercise offers a direct path to a resilient cardiovascular future. Exploring family histories uncovers a potent tool—a genetic predisposition that guides us, not dictates our fate. Armed with this knowledge, we empower ourselves to make informed choices, shaping a heart-conscious lifestyle.


  • Benefits of exercise (2022) NHS inform. Available at: https://www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/keeping-active/benefits-of-exercise/
  • (2023) Global Heart & Circulatory Diseases factsheet – british heart foundation. Available at: https://www.bhf.org.uk/-/media/files/for-professionals/research/heart-statistics/bhf-cvd-statistics-global-factsheet.pdf
  • Salehin S, Rasmussen P, Mai S, Mushtaq M, Agarwal M, Hasan SM, Salehin S, Raja M, Gilani S, Khalife WI. (2023). Plant Based Diet and Its Effect on Cardiovascular Disease. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 14;20(4):3337. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20043337. PMID: 36834032; PMCID: PMC9963093.